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Thank you so much for visiting my site......I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it.....I am a true believer in Angels and I have dedicated this page to all the Angels that are in my life and looking over me........Please sign my guest book so I can see what you think of this site.......ENJOY!!!!


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       Hi my name is Sonja and I want to thank you for coming to visit my webpage.  This is my first attempt at this so bear with me.  I was born and raised in West Virginia, and I know what you are thinking, that I am one of those back hills "Hillbillies".  Well, I can assure you that I am not...LOL.  I am the last of three children.  Yes, that makes me the baby of the family, and NO I am not spoiled rotten, just spoiled...LOL.  I have been on the net and chatting now for about 2 years and have enjoyed it (most of the time).  My most happiest time on here is when I met my husband.  YES, I met my husband right here on the net and we are so happy together that it is not funny.  We met in a chat room on May 12, 1997 and by June 13, 1997 we were married.  My husband is from Australiaaust.gif (789 bytes)and he gave up alot to come here to be with me.  If that isn't true love then I don't know what is.   Everyone wonders if we are happy or not and all I have to say is that we have been together for almost 2 years and are still doing great, despite the adversities we had to face
from family and friends.  One of the most wonderful things to happen to my husband and I is the birth of our first child together,(my husband has two from a previous marriage).  We were so excited by this pregnancy.  I was pregnant before but lost it and then after only three months, I found out I was pregnant again.  My husband and I are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl.  She was born on September 29, 1998 and we named her MaryBeth Rochelle.  She weighed 7 lbs. and 12 ozs. and was 20 and 1/4 inches long. My how time does fly.  She is the apple of our eye and I have made a page totally dedicated to herangel3.gif (6012 bytes).  This is a new experience for me and I hope that I am the best MOM I can be.   A child is a most magical experience and I am so happy I had this chance to see and feel what it is like to finally be a Mother. MaryBeth is a daddy's girl and loves her daddy very much.  I will keep you updated on her accomplishments.

I have many interests, but the one I enjoy the most is interior decorating.  I love the Victorian era and that is the style in which I decorate my home.  I also enjoy crafting.  I love to see and make all the beautiful Victorian crafts of yesteryear.

As you can also tell I love and collect Angels.  I will be including many more of these beautiful spirits on these pages and they are yours for the taking.  I hope you get as much enjoyment out of them as I do.  They make me feel at peace and calm, even in the worst of times.  Which I have had alot of in the past few months. 

I will be including a page dedicated to my friends that I have met here on the net.  I want to get their permission first to use their pictures on here.  I would want the same done to me if I were in their shoes.....LOL.  I have met many wonderful people on here.  I have also met some really harsh, hateful, selfish, and just out and out mean people on here too.  But, I guess with millions of people on the net you will run into some like that.  I just can't understand how people can judge others on lies, rumors, and inuindos.  It is so disheartening when someone turns on you and tries to hurt you, not just on the net but in real life too.  I guess I expect to much out of people.  I was raised to "Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You".  I think some people need to write that down and post it where they will see it every morning just to remind themselves.  But, the people that we have met in real life (most of them anyway) have been a great support to us.  They have stuck with us through thick and thin and I love them dearly.  They know who they are.   :o)

We are still in West Virginia after a few excursions to other parts of the USA and we intend to stay here for awhile.  I will add more here as it happens.  I have added some more pages please check them out.  I hope you enjoy the pics and I am going to start a page devoted to Victoriana life.  So look for those pics soon. Of course, I will be updating this from time to time.  I still have more I want to add and I will as time permits it.  Please come back and visit my pages as there will be more and more added all the time.


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