To The Ones We Love and Miss
Jesus once an infant small
Now the mighty Lord of all
Spread the shadow of thy wing
O'er the helpless little thing
Pure as child of earth can be
Keep the infant always near thee.
~Author Unknown~
The Meeting
A meeting was held quite far from earth,
"It's time again for another birth"
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
This special child will need much love.
Her progress may seem slow,
Accomplishments she may not show,
And she'll require extra care,
" From folks she meets way down there."
" She may not run, laugh or play,"
Her thoughts may seem quite far away.
In many ways she won't adapt,
And she'll be known as handicapped
"So let's be careful where she's sent,"
We want her life to be content,
Please Lord find the parents who,
Will do this special job for you.
"They will not realize it right away,"
The special role they're asked to play.
But with this child sent from above,
Comes a richer much stronger love."
"Soon they'll know the privilege given,"
In caring for this gift from heaven,
Their precious gift meek and mild,
"She is Heavens Special Child"
~Author unknown~
This Poem is dedicated to a special little girl who was
put on this earth to teach the wonderful lesson of LOVE to
a wonderful woman who needed guidance. The good Lord
knew right where to send her to share and spread her love.
Shaneba Rivera
Mom- Maria - AnglsWink
Sadly missed by Mother Maria and Brother Eduardo
This next poem is dedicated to my father, Billy Ray Atkins.
He was my inspiration and I miss him so much. My only regret is
that he never got to meet my husband or see his Granddaughter.
Daddy, this is for you.
To My Dearest Family:
Some things Id like to say
but first of all to let you know
that I arrived okay
Im writing this from Heaven
where I dwell with God above
where theres no more tears
or saddness there
is just eternal love
Please do not be unhappy
just because Im out of sight
remember that Im with you
every morning, noon and night
That day I had to leave you
when my life on Earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me
and He said I welcome you
Its good to have you back again
you were missed while you were gone
as for your dearest family
theyll be here later on
I need you here so badly
as part of My big plan
theres so much that we have to do
to help our mortal man
Then God gave me a list of things
He wished for me to do
and foremost on that list of mine
is to watch and care for you
And I will be beside you
every day and week and year
and when youre sad
Im standing there
to wipe away the tear
And when you lie in bed at night
the days chores put to flight
God and I are closest to you
in the middle of the night
When you think of my life on Earth
and all those loving years
because youre only human
they are bound to bring you tears
But do not be afraid to cry
it does relieve the pain
remember there would be no flowers
unless there was some rain
I wish that I could tell you
of all that God has planned
but if I were to tell you
you wouldnt understand
But one thing is for certain
though my life on Earth is ore
I am closer to you now
than I ever was before
And to my very many friends
trust God knows what is best
Im still not far away from you
Im just beyond the crest
There are rocky roads ahead of you
and many hills to climb
but together we can do it
taking one day at a time
It was always my philosophy
and Id like it for you too
that as you give unto the World
so the World will give to you
If you can help somebody
who is in sorrow or in pain
then you can say to God at night
my day was not in vain
And now I am contented
that my life it was worthwhile
knowing as I passed along the way
I made somebody smile
So if you meet somebody
who is down and feeling low
just lend a hand to pick him up
as on your way you go
When you are walking
down the street
and youve got me on your mind
Im walking in your footsteps
only half a step behind
And when you feel the gentle breeze
or the wind upon your face
thats me giving you a great big hug
or just a soft embrace
And when its time for you to go
from that body to be free
remember youre not going
you are coming here to me
And I will always love you
from that land way up above
We will be in touch again soon
P.S. God sends His Love
~Author Unknown~
Billy Ray
April 29, 1934~November 17, 1995
Sadly missed by his Wife Deloris
Daughter Connie, Son Neil
And youngest Daughter, Sonja
evening shades are falling
And we sit in all alone
To our hearts there comes a longing
If you only would come home
We often think of days gone by
When we were all together
The family chain is broken now
But your memory lives forever
If we could have one lifetime wish
One dream that could come true
We would pray to God with all our hearts
For yesterday and you
Friends may think we have forgotten
When at times they see us smile
But little do they know the pain
Our love hides all the while
We think of you in silence
And often speak your name
Now all we have are memories
And your picture in a frame
They say time heals all sorrow
And helps us to forget
But so far time has only proven
How much we miss you yet
God gave us strength to fight
And courage to bear the blow
But what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know
We know you'll walk beside us
And when our lives are through
We pray that God will take our hand
And lead us straight to you
Harry J.
June 29, 1943 - May 4, 1999
Sadly missed by his family and his "Little Girl"
To Dad With All My
If you have a dedication you would like to have posted
please email me with the name, date and a poem, pic, or graphic
and I will get it on here for you. :o)